+34 722844528   ☎ +34 972071506 info@nousol.org

Baan Saan Rak Project


Baan Saan Rak or “House of Love” in English, is a Foster Care Home established in 2003, in Maelao, Chiang Rai Province, north of Thailand, near Myanmar border. We are a non-government and non-religious organization who take care of children in vulnerable conditions or social exclusion (orphans, broken families, extreme poverty, etc.)

Actually we offer a home for 33 children between 4 and 20 years old who comes mostly from thai-japanese families and Akha and Lahu tribes, even though the admission is open to every children who need a home, without make any difference on race, ethnicity or religion. Now most of them live in the foster home but some of them had to migrate to other cities to continue their studies, even though they are still linkage and under wardship of Baan Saan Rak.




Direct receptors:

  • Children under exclusion risks, derived from social services and Ruammit Foundation.
  • Children under exclusion risks and/or becoming from minority ethnicities who lived in Chiang Rai Province.
  • Broken families without economic resources to take care of their children so they had to be brought to live in Baan Saan Rak.
  • Children under exclusion risks coming from the proximities area of Baan Saan Rak, who lives a time frame or a season in the foster home, until their families can take care of them again, under stable and responsible conditions.

Indirect receivers:

  • Every person who visit or become volunteer of Baan Saan Rak.
  • Every person who has access to our website, social networks or audiovisual products.


Foster and promote the inclusion, formation and empowerment of children in vulnerable conditions or social exclusion, through care and a stable home.


  • Create a socio-educative place to foster the personal development of children.
  • Provide the opportunity to have a decent life to orphans and children in need.
  • Provide the necessary resources to children so they can complete their academic formation.
  • Coordinate with social services the integration of children in vulnerable and social exclusion to Baan Saan Rak.
  • Advice and go along with families without resources so they can improve their conditions and be able to take care of their children.
  • Prevent that children in vulnerable conditions and their families, get involved in criminal behaviors or mendicancy through support and formation programs.